Monday, February 11, 2013

Life at the Hospital

My grandpa had his second knee replacement surgery today. He's a tough, self-employed man who does amazing carpentry as a side job, and also just for fun :) He's trying to rest in the bed next to me, and more family is huddled in the room with us. His right knee was replaced last year in December and it wasn't nearly as painful as the left knee is giving him right now. He and my grandma will probably be staying at the hospital for the next three days. Last time he had a knee replacement, we came and stayed every day with them -- all day. The only time we spent at home was to eat dinner and sleep.
Going through something like this is made so much more bearable when family is near. Having a knee replaced and then being an invalid for about a month really wears on one's patience.
Staying in a hospital room or waiting room for days at a time can exhaust you!! It's so nice to have people visit and provide a change in atmosphere. Not only does it let them know the patient is cared for, but it also gives them an opportunity to focus on something else. Being in a hospital all day long kind of has a way of causing burn out, even if you're not in an anxious state. It just happens that way.  You either sit quietly next to your relative while they snooze or you sit (and sleep) in a waiting room chair among others who quietly wait for their loved ones in surgery/intensive care/etc.

Don't decide to not visit someone in the hospital because you don't want to "over crowd" them. They will go home exhausted either way. Encouragement is your best bet, and visiting is even better encouragement than a card or a text!!! It is also proven that people heal faster if they are in contact with and are supported by those who love them!

His woman of over 40 years just have him a kiss. I think he hurts a little less now :)

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22

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