The only time I have ever even tasted a sample of revival was last summer at church camp in the Rockies of Colorado. I climbed up those gigantic rocks almost every day, a little ways into the trees, and just sat. Alone. Quietly pondering the Lord. It felt so free. (except for that one day when I thought a mountain lion was following me... I never ventured that far away for the rest of the week! btw, are there lions in the Rockies?) But seriously, have you ever had revival? I mean, these times are sooooooooo desperately wicked and people are so desperately greedy and blood-thirsty. In such a cruel, tiring world, where can one have his soul strengthened to victory? With satan fighting so hard, and not many men/ladies left standing.... when will there be revival? Will there be another before Christ's second appearing? At my church, starting this Sunday, we're having Revival (Sun.-Wed.). It's not supposed to be a meeting to get revival in our church though, we're praying to be revived before it starts. Y'all, I want ya to know I despise the devil. Hate his guts. He sure has been fighting against our efforts. There's something I've learned over the past year, and that's when you finally decide to start doing something for God, the devil is ready to keep you from it. Every time a battle ceases, and peace comes in, there's a surprise attack waiting just around the corner. What is revival anyway? It's an awakening, a strength that bursts and energizes you, as if you've been sleeping for a thousand years. But it must be much more than that, because I have never in my life seen true revival. Only heard of it. Only experienced a spark. But that spark didn't last long enough to start a fire.
America is in heavy need of revival. To be revived to the truth. I heard of a man that was part of a true revival that happened once in his church. Many years passed where the revival slowly waned away, as he reached his elderly age. A young man who decided to visit the church came in early one day, only to enter a dark auditorium. Soft murmuring could be heard over by the pulpit. He slowly approached, and saw in the dimness, the elderly man who had seen revival back in his younger days, kneeling and weeping, praying "Do it again, God. Do it again."
If you are weary and heavy laden, tell it to Jesus. If you are getting lazy or feeling apathetic, tell it to Jesus. If you don't understand, tell it to Jesus. To be revived, we have to open the door for Christ and let Him in, not just his foot or his hand. We need to repent from things we have been holding onto so tightly. So tightly that maybe we have forgotten about them, and they lay still within us, bound up in the cords of our sins. It took me a while to finally see what I had been holding onto... the future. My impatient heart. My stubborn will, asking God to work, but not giving everything into His hands. What's holding you back?
Will you try?
Will you seek revival... seek God's face with your whole heart?
Or, will you not even regard the thought of revival?
What if we never see it at all? The day of the Lord is at hand, but think of going our whole life through - our whole entire generation... never seeing revival...

We praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy love
For Jesus who died and is now gone above
Hallelujah! Thine the glory
Hallelujah! Amen
Hallelujah! Thine the glory
Revive us again...
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