Well, while I don't have anything else to write about, I'll share what's going on in my Southern life. I recently got new batteries for my digital camera (ahhhhhhhh... yes!!!) and I've been practicing my photographic skills (which are getting better every day, but anyway)... I've been on the blog a lot lately, watching the polls get more and more votes!!! Will I reach 20? Thanks to all of you who are helping me reach my small goal!!! And I'm so glad that
NONE of you have said you don't even listen to music.... Ü

Other things going on are: working on scrap-booking, calligraphy (I need more ink!!) and other arts (*ahem* drawing, sewing, decorating)..... There's so much to do, but when I finish everything, it'll be time to find something else to occupy this little mind with. There's always a "hangin' around" feel down here. That's life in the South for ya - lazy summer days. I love that phrase -
"lazy summer days..." In a picture, it would be a hazy blue sky, with a hammock under a canopy-like tree. My family and I watched Toy Story earlier tonight, and I forgot how hilarious it is!!! It must have taken a long time for the actors to stop laughing their way through the script (at least that's what the case with
me would have been). If you're looking for a laugh-out-loud movie, you should watch Toy Story. Ü I haven't been to the beach this summer.... :( But I've been training a horse to do barrels..... ahhhhh... exhilarating!!! And it's so worth it....

Another thing that's been going on is stories..... I've dreamed up so many good stories that would make excellent books..... I just can't seem to put them on paper. But I draw them out!!! There's probably close to 200 sheets of paper in the box under my bed, but hey! it keeps the stories coming, and helps to increase my drawing skills. Those stories would probably make better movies than books, now that I think of it. What I'm saying is I would be better at script-writing than book-writing!!! If only I could make everything fit together... Maybe there's just not enough thought put to a pen and paper when they're in my grasp. So I go from a busy activity-based girl, to a haze of summer, to a barrel trainer, to a wishful wanna-be writer. I hate to use the term "wanna-be" but a better word couldn't be thought of at the moment! There's more coming to my summer, and I maybe I'll have
pictures next time!

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