As I watched the sun rising from the East this morning, I remembered a thought I've had for a long time that sort of lifted me up when I was down, but had never told anyone. I'm going to share it with y'all. Ü
The sun was making its way up past the violet sheet of clouds. I was on the roof watching and reflecting on my life's present situation. This morning's sunrise was unexplainably gorgeous. Simple, no fireworks or blinding gold, but gorgeous. I didn't bring my camera (stupid!) but I didn't want to leave the sight to go get it. (why? The sunrise can shine a once-in-a-life-time scene right before your eyes that only lasts about 20 seconds. I've witnessed it!) Anyway, the whole thing made me think of what hope and joy would "look like" if they could be described with a sunrise. Y'all, sometimes my troubles and struggles rage so loudly within me, I feel as though I can hardly hear God's calming voice. But this sunrise reminded me to "Be still and know that I am God..." (in Psalms); for as I kept my eyes fixed on the rising sun, its brightness seemed to melt everything els
e out of sight. The trees, the birds flying around, the blue sky on every other side of me - everything just disappeared and all I could see was the bright sun. A wonderful thought came to my mind! The Word of God describes Jesus as the Bright Morning Star. Just like the sun, if I keep my eyes on Jesus - the Son - and just follow him anywhere, live by faith and not by sight, all things - every obstacle - will fade away. His glory, His brightness... His majesty... will tune it all out of vision. I know this to be true. (I'm disappointed in myself - I can't really fathom this to y'all. I can't express myself in the way my heart sees this. I'll try.... ) The whole of God's power and Jesus's brightness is unfathomable. It shines in the darkest night. It gives hope when only the weak are left. It gives joy when the hardest times are among us. God gives me beauty to behold every day, even when all of life seems to be ugly (though it's very beautiful right now!). He lets me hear the birds praise him in the morning, even though the world curses Him. And His brightness, if my eyes are fixed on it, keeps me traveling the straight and narrow path, hardly even aware of the ugliness around - that's what joy and hope do. And his brightness is joy and hope.

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