Today I am two years old. Ü
OK, whatever, laugh
all ya want... but I wonder how many of y'all know about the day I became a child of the most High. Yes, 2008 on May 1st, I was
so burdened down with sin... no happiness was found within. I had never known the meaning of joy down in my soul.
I read a verse. "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."
Matthew 24:12.
I realized, I did not love the One who bled and died for me. My conscience was so seared, and my heart so stony and cold, but God reached down and touched my heart, made it melt... and I cried out to Him. I didn't want to repent. I loved my sin, and hated God. That was the plain truth! But I knew only Jesus could make everything right, and that there was nothing right in me.
So dirty was I (still am) and so clean was He. So guilty was I, so innocent was He. But He paid it all. My sin debt, and I came to Him with a rebellious, pathetic, useless, and pleading heart, asking Him to change me and save my soul from hell. And He did just that.... 2000 years ago. I
finally excepted His offer. And today I celebrate that day within my heart, so changed and transformed by Him. I have a new knowledge now... not just of good and evil, or defeat, but of victory.
Victory through Jesus Christ my Lord.